Hello Friends and Family,
Happy 22nd Colorado Walk! I can't believe it is 22 already. I remember the very first Walk for Sjogren's that I helped launch and so many of you have supported my efforts from day one! (Please See 1, 2 &/or 3 Ways YOU can help below.)
I’m so grateful for your support (many of you year after year), especially during our ups and downs! My mission to work on the fight against Sjögren’s can never stop, no matter the times, because Sjögren’s disease doesn't stop.
For 21+ years, I have been passionate about this cause. I began by helping the very first Walk for Sjögren’s as a volunteer on the Denver Walk Committee and I immediately started raising awareness and funds by rallying my friends, family, associates and healthcare providers. Then my amazing Mom, Francine, joined me and along with our Circle of Support, we became a strong fundraising force. Fast forward to January 2019, when I was blessed to join the Sjögren’s Foundation as their Director of Fundraising and Events (where I could continue to grow and make a larger impact in this cause and help others do the same)!
Many of you have supported my efforts by joining me at many walks and/or making a donation over the years. I couldn't be more grateful to you and wouldn’t have succeeded in my fundraising goal and path to my new position without you! You are my Circle of Strength (and you help me be Stronger than Sjögren’s).
How you can help:
1-Please join me in my efforts by making a donation today on my page or to get your own t-shirt, join my team with $50+. Your support is needed now more than ever to help fuel the Sjögren's Foundation’s advancements and mission of providing vital Sjögren’s research, education, awareness, and advocacy as well as communicate and support those affected by Sjögren’s. (Please no pressure if you aren't able to give. I appreciate your consideration and learning about Sjögren’s.)
2-Also, if you can make it, please join me on the 45-minute Zoom Virtual Opening Ceremony at 10am on Saturday, May 31. I would love to see you on the call. Let me know if you can make it and I'll send you the link (or you can find it on the walk's home page).
3-Also, at 1pm join me LIVE for my personal informal walk meetup at Wash Park, so let me know if you can join me, and I'll get you the details.)
Sjögren’s is a serious complex auto immune disease (which affects the entire body along with symptoms of extensive dryness and other serious complications, including profound fatigue, chronic pain, major organ involvement, neuropathies and lymphomas).
Together we will make a difference towards conquering Sjögren's!
Stay safe and healthy first and foremost.
Virtual Hugs,
(PS, if you would rather send a check, please send it to the Sjögren's Foundation (address on this website) noting my name and Colorado Walk)
Email: Walk@sjogrens.org